Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Week # 3: Under Control?

This week is an odd week, meaning lots of classes and only a little planning. I also will start teaching by the end of this week in the 7th grade classes and will start a team teaching lesson with the 3-D class on illuminated letters. Also, my teacher will be out this Thursday, so I will be somewhat taking over with the help of the substitute.

Today was thankfully an even day, meaning the classes are a little calmer and we got a much needed planning period. I spent time assisting the students during the lessons - I am starting to feel much more comfortable, and putting final touches on my Kandinsky lesson.

Today was a busy one - not only getting things prepared for the four classes we had but making sure that everything was set up for tomorrow - I will be taking over all of the classes (both 8th grade and one 7th) with the help of a substitute while my teacher is out for a day. Also, with the 3D class, we started a new lesson - one that we are team teaching and I will eventually be taking over. I finally got to see my teacher start a lesson, using art history discussion on Illuminated manuscripts to begin and then a variety of visuals (from a powerpoint that I made, to a book, or samples). We tag-teamed the intro, my teacher told me I could add whatever I wanted to the discussion and I think it really helped me ease into teaching them. They started by sketching letters today after the intro - doing at 3 versions, once they decide on a design they will use reposse techniques to transfer it to copper. Eventually, these will become the front cover of a book - I'm super excited! I really connect with this projec too because I did a similar one last placement with my 3rd graders, studying illuminated letters, and I have studied them through graphic design courses. We spent some of the class today discussing an example of illuminated manuscripts, The Book of Kells - which I have actually seen so I was able to add some personal experience to the discussion.
The 7th graders were working on their pen & ink trees again, they are about a day and 1/2 behind the even day class, but hopefully by Friday they will be caught up again. It amazing how much confidence plays into artistic success at this age. In elementary school they start out almost fearless but by the time they hit middle school they are so afraid of making mistakes or being unsuccessful - once they get past that though, they start making the most beautiful artwork. Some of the trees are amazing! I try to be really encouraging when I circulate around the classroom while they are working - offering constructive criticism and positive feedback - I think they are starting to realize that I'm not just "saying those things cause I have to."
The two 8th grade classes were finishing the construction of their accordian style books, which have covers made out of the marbled or paste paper they made last week. I think this project has been kind of the crafty side, but I also find that important to have in the art classroom in moderation. It helps students learn different techniques and it really allows all the students to be successful in the projects. The next project the students will be starting on is a mosaic - I think its really awesome that they get exposed to more than just drawing in art class - even if it does mean more work for the teachers haha. After their books were finished they started preparing their boards for mosaics, sanding and gesso-ing them. I made sure to get really hands on and pay close attention today during both 8th grade classes because I knew I would be teaching them solo tomorrow!
Before we left today, my teacher I doubled checked that all the plans were there and that all the supplies were out and ready to go tomorrow - luckily its an even day so I only have 3 classes, woo! This week has somewhat flown by and I can't believe its already week #3 at this placement. I will also teach the warm-up portion of my Kandinsky lesson tomorrow - students will listen to music and then listen and draw responses to music in preparation for an intro the non-objective art lesson.
Amusing point of the day: So my last 8th grade class has some boys in it that tend to sing/rap inappropriate songs - well I actually know some of these songs and have started calling them out on it. Their faces are priceless when I tell them that "Colt 45" by Afromand is not "OK" for in the artroom ... hehe, I'm not quite as square as they expected!

Today was quite the adventure – my teacher was out for doctors’ appointments all day, so I was with a substitute, in other words I was teaching. I thought it would be good today to go ahead and step up as the teacher in the classroom, which was met with mixed reviews from the students. My teacher had left very detailed instructions for the substitute of what would be going on today (and gave me a copy as well) – which I followed successfully. Well, I’ll start from the very first thing this morning to fully explain this experience.
When I came in this morning, despite the request of my teacher to the custodian, the door was locked – I went down to the office and got the spare key to open up the room. I then reviewed the plan for the day and double-checked all of my materials and even had time to whip up a batch of coffee before the substitute and the students arrived.
The first class was 8th grade, 2nd period – the one that has the girls that are still not fully accepting of me – however, the class went surprisingly well! When they came in I got them settled and took attendance during announcements (its done on the computer – so cool because it even has the students’ pictures). Then I gave them an overview of what was on the agenda for today and got the “table bosses” to pass out supplies for finishing steps to the book making project. I gave them step-by-step instructions/demonstrations on how to finish their books and in no time at all, they were ready to start on the next project of the day. I then got them all set up to sand and gesso their boards, the substitute stepped in on the handing out of supplies as needed and did a little behavioral monitoring. After they finished with the boards, they got their reading/homework sheet which almost everyone had time to complete during class – then they had free time to draw in their sketchbooks and complete any other assignments. Despite the fact that I was kind of nervous about today, I felt pretty comfortable – and the one girl that gives me a hard time was surprisingly helpful too, she really just wants attention when it comes down to it. I think this is a class that I’ve definitely connected to, they are fairly playful but when you focus them they really get work done.
The next class was my group of 7th grade girls, which I hadn’t anticipated would be a problem … however, at this age they never fail to surprise you. I got them settle and did another overview when they came in – getting them started on their pen and ink tree drawings, which they were to finish today. Well, my table bosses for this class are two girls who have quite the attitude and are a little manipulative/social. One girl slyly started working on my teachers’ sample drawing instead of her own – but hers was no where to be found (curious) – I wasn’t really sure how to deal with it as the other girl at her table was corroborating her story, so I’ll talk with my teacher about it tomorrow. The other girls all worked hard during the time they were given, with just a little coercing to focus, many of them finished. Then I cut them off with 30 min. left in class to start a warm-up activity for the Kandinsky lesson they will begin fully next week. I played them a song and asked them to close their eyes and just listening – thinking about what the music might look like (color, line, shapes). Apparently middle school girls cannot handle that – it was like pulling teeth to finally get them to sit and close their eyes and listen for just 3 min. In the end I was successful though – then they drew to music the rest of the class using pencil and chalk pastel. This project will be very interesting because many of them are resisting the “letting go” this project requires to make non-objective art – they all want to draw something that looks like something. Slowly though, you could watch them start to get it!
The last class of the day (yay even days for only have 3 blocks of classes) was the most challenging – not only because of students but because of it being split by lunch. I have one girl in there, who I know what trying to be helpful, but kept correcting me in a very negative manner – the well Ms. So and so does it this way syndrome. My response to that is – well today we are doing it this way because I’m Ms. Adams and this is how I want it done! I had one male student that really gave me a run for my money – he’s much bigger than I am and let’s be honest here, he’s a punk problem kid. He walked into class pushing around one of my smaller guys and I told him that would not happen in here and then it started – the attitude. He then proceeded to be tardy to class – I was beginning to wish my teacher and I had gone over disciplinary actions more with me and had really driven home the fact that I was going to be their teacher too to the students! Despite all of that, I got the class settled down and started on their projects, finishing their books before lunch and then doing their mosaic boards afterwards, along with their reading and worksheet. Phew. Luckily after all that – I had planning period to clean up a bit, collect my thoughts and talk with the substitute some, reflecting a bit on the day and talking about teaching in general, the substitute was a former teacher and had lots of support and helpful things. I really felt like it was my classroom today though, which was pretty awesome, to realize that yes – I can handle this age group, its not easy, but with practice I think I’ll get it down. There were definite good points in the day too – hugs from some of my students, smiles and some of them even coming up just to say hi to me in the hallway – its those little things paired with watching a student get something and succeed that really make even the tough crazy days worth it. It makes me realize that, yeah I am actually teaching them something and am a part of their lives (whether they like it or not sometimes).

It was very good to have my teacher back in the classroom today - though I was able to handle things Thurs. , the 8th grade classes we have on odd days are a bit more challenging.

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